I am really pleased with the way that these little booklet
Christmas cards have turned out. I have had the idea for a while, since
discovering a wonderfully illustrated book called ‘The road to Bethlehem’ that
was my uncles; the Art Nouveau prints being by Marian Allen.
You perhaps
wouldn’t make these for everyone on your Christmas card list – they take a
little while to make – but for special friends and family they are well worth
the time. The key is to batch make them doing all the stages for a number of
cards in one go, although I would always suggest making one first just to get a
feel for it and see if you want to make any changes. Because they are quite
small you need to be careful in measuring and cutting, as little bit here and a
little bit there can show up. It’s not hard and I’ll give a few hints on the
way to help.
You'll need these two .pdf files for the covers and the inside (click to download).
If the nativity scene isn’t your cup of tea they could
easily be adapted for whatever images you like. Of course they could also be
used for almost any set of images or information – ideas I have had include
maps, wedding or baby photos, star charts or seed sowing distances.
Please do drop me a line if you make some and let me see how
they come out. Likewise if you adapt the idea I would be very interested to see
what you made.
Print out and fold the concertinaed centre pages.
Download and print the pdf file by clicking here. Print it at the maximum
quality your printer allows. Each sheet makes up three booklets.
Paper: I was convinced that I wanted to use a lovely
textured matt paper for the centre, much in the same way that the original book
was printed. However, I just couldn’t get the detail or the depth of black that
was also very important. So in the end I used a semi-gloss photo paper, which
lets me combine most of what I was looking for. I was worried that the printing
surface might crack, but it didn’t and although it gives a bit of ‘spring’ to
the final book, I don’t actually mind that. The downside of the paper is that the
black will show every finger print or mark and I am not happy about having the
brand name of the printer on the reverse).
Size: If you print the pdf with no paper-scaling and on A4
paper you should end up with the same size booklet as I have made. However,
just to be on the safe side I going to give measurements for the covers from
these centre pages (e.g. 2mm wider than the centre pages), so that if you have
to print on different sized paper and hence have it scaled down or up, you can
easily work out the cover size.
Folding the centre pages.
We actually fold the paper before we cut out the individual
strips of images, meaning we can fold all three in one go. Along the top and
bottom edge are little marks showing where the folds need to go – work from
these rather than the edges of the pictures (which are not straight). Loosely
fold the paper over, line up the top and then crease along the two lines (with
these inside the fold), ideally with a bone folder, ensuring it is meeting up
correctly at the bottom. It is well worth taking a bit of time over this stage
as it will ensure that the pages fold nicely together.
Fold it back on itself and crease
carefully along the face side. Repeat for all the folds. Note: The first and
last marks along the top and bottom are cut marks, not folding ones.
Cutting the centre pages
Cut out the centre pages – I found that cutting the lines in
the following order A, B, C worked well. Don’t cut right to the paper edge on
any of the cuts so that you maintain the lines. You now have the centre pages
ready; if you are sure that they are dry it is worth pressing them under a weight
with the pages correctly folded.
Calculating the size of the covers
We now need to calculate the size of the covers, which will
depend on how big your printing came out. Measure a few of the first and last
images, from the outside edge to the first fold then take an average of them;
do the same for the height. My originals come out at 4.7mm wide x 6.6mm tall.
Now the cover will be 2mm bigger all the way around, so we add 4mm to the width
and height. So for my ones it will be 5.1mm wide x 7mm tall; again, yours maybe
different depending on the size of your centre pages.
Cutting the covers
I used 700 micron card, which is 0.7mm in thickness. You
might not have this exact card available so use what you do have (I would say
some card packaging such a thick breakfast box wouldn’t be too far off), but be
aware that as you’ll see in the next stage we double the card up at the edges
of each cover to create the recess; my final covers will be 1.4mm + two layers
of book cloth. I was pretty happy with the thickness of the cover in the end; I
wouldn’t have wanted it any thinner, but it could have been just a touch
Once you have selected your card you need to work out the
grain direction. I won’t go into detail, but I just tend to flex it and see
which way folds easier and I know that I am either bending with (easy) or
against (harder) the grain. If you are not sure have a look here.
will cut the pieces with the long side going with the grain and we cut out
strips the width of your cover (in my case 5.1mm).
Cut a few of these wide strips and then measure out
and cut the height of the cover (in my case 7mm). If you now turn that cut
piece around 90 and use that to cut out its matching back cover you will
eliminate any minor errors in getting a right angle.
Mark the two inner faces in the same touching corner with a
number, so that you know which pair go together and which corners match up on
the inside.
Cutting out the recess strips.
We now need strips the same card, 4mm wide. Each cover needs
around 24cm of strip and both the front and the back have this recess – so 48cm
per card (as ever depending on your printing size). Cut these as long as
possible to make any deviation in measuring stretch over the whole length and if
possible use one or two strips per cover, rather than making covers up of lots
of little strips (which might be slightly different sizes). As ever, try to cut
out as much 4mm strip as you think you’ll need before moving on.
Creating the cover framework
We now glue on the 4mm strip, to create the recess and to
stiffen the cover; to do this I have used a glue stick. I have read conflicting
reports of the effectiveness of glue sticks over time and I wouldn’t use them
for gluing on the book cloth or the pages to the covers. However, here the
strips are later reinforced by gluing on the cloth with PVA so I feel it’s fine
and slightly easier to use for this.
along the edge of the cover (on the reverse side to the number) and then stick
down a 4mm strip so that the two long edges are flush and it meets at the
Turn over the cover and cut the strip, with a knife, so that
it is flush at the top. Repeat for the other side. After a while I ended up
sticking both sides and then cutting them at the same time.
Lay a piece of 4mm strip in between the two long pieces at
the top of the cover and mark with a knife the width; then cut the strip square
at that point. Glue this in and repeat at the bottom.
You should end up with
the oblong cover with 4mm strip all the way around. |
Cutting the book cloth
We now need to cut the book cloth for the cover. I have made
my own using a scrap of creamy cotton and stiff tissue paper (blog post on this
coming soon). However, commercial book cloth would of course be fine. If you
don’t have access to either of these you could give them a different feel by
using a thick textured paper. I wouldn’t advise just using cloth as that will
be quite hard to work with and stop the glue from coming through. My own cloth looks almost exactly like fabric plaster, but on the finished booklet I think it works well.
We add in a 1cm margin around all edges and so cut the cloth
2cm wider than the cover (in my case 7.1cm) and 2cm taller (again in my case
9cm). As I am doing a few of these in one go I made up a card template to cut
out the cloth and this also allowed me to either avoid any little defects in
the cloth or place them dead centre where they will be under the front or back
Gluing the book cover
This is probably the most complicated stage, but you soon
get the knack of it after one or two. I think the key is to keep the glue under
control – not too much – as once it starts to squeeze out the sides and get on
the bone folder it very easily seems to appear all over the face side of the
cloth. If you haven’t got a bone folder you can get by with a stout short ruler
and something pointy but blunt (end of a teaspoon handle maybe?).
First, use the template, to put little marks 1cm in from the
edge all the way around – if you haven’t made the template just measure with a
ruler. Next join the bottom marks and then the right hand marks to make a back
to front L, into which you can line up the cover.
Glue the recess and edges of the cover, then place
into the back to front L on the book cloth, face side down.
Turn over and smooth with the flat side of the bone
Now, working carefully, use the tip to refine the
edges of the recess and smooth the bottom of it, finally using the very tip to
create a sharp edge.
Turn it all over and, using scissors, cut off all the
corners using the marks as guides.
Using only as much glue as you really need to, glue
down one of the long edges on the book cloth.
Lay the piece on the desk and use the bone folder to
first bring it up vertically, pressing into the side...
...and then fold over, pressing down. If you got the
level of glue right none (or very little) should have squeezed out. Whichever
way, it’s worth checking the bone folder for any glue as you don’t want it on
the cloth.
We now fold in the top and bottom corners, so that they tuck
neatly away. Then glue the other edge in the same way.
Finally we glue down the top and bottoms, much in the same fashion
as the sides. Make sure you get a bit of glue on the little triangle of book
cloth face side, so that it sticks down neatly. Now place this under a weight
to dry.
Putting the book together
It is coming along isn’t it? All we have to do now is put
everything together. Take one of the central concertinaed sections and glue the
back of the last image.
Then press down on the back cover of one of your
pairs, ensuring that it sits squarely, and put this under a weight. Once it has
dried for a few minutes, do the front cover the same. Check that you get your
two numbered corners in the right place and that the covers meet up when
We now need the 2nd pdf sheet printed, which can
be downloaded by clicking here. This contains the front image and the writing
at the back, where we put who they are to and from. It is well worth writing
these before you stick them down! That way if you make a mistake you won’t be
trying to rip it off the book cloth.
Once you have printed the sheets, cut them out - there
should be a thin white line around the box of the rear one (unlike the draft one in the photo below), but the front is cut
close with no white border.
We’ll do the back first, and under where the text box goes
we stick down the ribbon. This is simply a case of cutting the right length,
then sticking it down on the left hand edge, but under where the card goes.
Hold it until dry and then glue in the card in the usual way.
Turn over the little book, glue on the front cover and you
are done! If you sure the end of the ribbon is dry you can wrap the ribbon around
it and tie it up, by just sliding it through the gap in the fore-edge between
the pages and the cover edge and then pulling towards the bottom left front
As I say I am really pleased with these and if you do make
some please do either upload them to flickr and link across or drop me a line
to let me know how you got on.