Here are my first efforts in the world of book binding, small
A7 sized notebooks, and I have to say I am pretty pleased with them as an initial
attempt, which is unusual for me. Many years ago I wanted to learn book
binding, but never actually started – in the last couple of weeks the fancy
took me again and so I had a go with the materials around me and some nice
cartridge paper I got from the local auction & market. Eventually I want to
be able to make notebooks for my own use and presents, rebind existing books in
interesting covers, print out my own books and bind them, as well as printing
off and binding books downloaded from the internet.
I don’t have any book cloth and it is quite expensive, so I
made my own using some old cotton twill trousers. I simply cut out a piece of
fabric, laid it on a thick piece of glass, and then overlaid it with a larger
piece of tracing paper coated with PVA. I then gently (don’t press too hard) rolled
over it with a printing roller and allowed it to dry. After a few goes I kind
of got the knack, and being able to make my own certainly widens the range of
clothes available as well as allowing me to recycle fabric and save money. I
could even weave my own fabric and then use that…
I had already made some paper folding bones (blog post to
follow) and did french sewing so that I didn’t need book tape or a sewing
frame. For the mull I used cheese cloth (muslin) and as I don’t (yet) have a
book press, I wrapped two heavy engineering bricks in paper. And actually they
did the job very nicely.
The cover card was just ordinary card that again came from
market, it was quite thin, but that did allow me to double it up and create the
recess for the Orfordness Lighthouse print I had made using one of my friend’s
own design print blocks.
Inside I used cartridge paper and an assortment of coloured
paper we had left over from various projects. I was particularly pleased with
the fold out centre section, although this did cause a little trouble with the
cutting of the pages. In fact I would say that is the one weakness of them;
cutting the edges with a craft knife does sort of work, but I am sure that a
much, much better finish could be obtained by having a book plane. Surely they
cannot be that hard to make…
My guides on this little creative adventure were Arthur W.Johnson and the excellent youtube videos by Aran Galligan.